
Robert W. Service : A Sourdough's Quest

Nom de l'ouvrage
Robert W. Service : A Sourdough's Quest
Présentation du livre

Robert W. Service : A Sourdough's Quest

Charlotte Service-Longépé, Infine Arts Éditions, Lancieux, France, ISBN 978-2-9555437-4-0, 508 pages, A5, paperback, illustrated. 


The Fascinating Life of the adventurous Bard of the Yukon

Driven by wanderlust, a twenty-two-year-old Scot Robert W. Service embarks for Canada in 1896. Along the journey led by a diversity of jobs, from ploughman to bank clerk, from hobo to poet, the young man goes from happy to painful experiences while enjoying the sweet breath of freedom and love for Nature.

In the wild Yukon, it's not the gold nuggets of the Gold Rush that twinkle in his eyes, but rather the brainwave to discover the source of his first literary successes.

Illustrated with photographs, maps and drawings, this novel is taking the reader in a kind of travel diary following the thrilling life quest of a man looking to find his destiny. A biography lively penned thanks to the dedication of his great-granddaughter Charlotte Service-Longépé.

Nearly three years of extensive research were needed by Charlotte Service-Longépé to get her famous ancestor back to life thanks to unpublished documents and personal love letters revealing new insights.

During his hobo years, the poet never lost his enthusiasm to embrace life's beneficence. His talent gave birth to catchy rhymes which have spread all over the world and still live today in the heart of the Yukon. As one of the most widely read poets of his century, his life of a modern time adventurer has inspired one of the best page turner novels.


LONGÉPÉ Charlotte

LONGÉPÉ Charlotte Auteure, Conférencière, Illustratrice, Photographe Diplômée d'un Master anglais en Business Management à l'Université Internationale de Monaco, elle travaille dans l'événementiel, rédige des articles sur l'Art avant de consacrer ses efforts à ses projets d'écriture. Trois ans de recherches lui ont permis d'écrire La Piste de l'Imaginaire, une biographie romancée racontant la pre...